We are an Organization with over 200,000 American Home Owners across the Country fighting to keep our homes from the likes of Private Corporations like BlackRock, J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Wilmington Trust, and others.
Take for example one of our Members in California who has filed and Appeal with the Ninth Circuit and although appeal judges cannot be recused, they can be disqualified. She has filed 8 affidavits stating that these judges cannot be trusted to give a fair hearing and the pressing the Judge which refuse to be disqualified. She has also filed complaints with the judicial commission, and has asked two of her local state reps for help in this matter. If you need more info please contact:
Teena Colebrook
If you are a victim of unlawful foreclosure and eviction please contact us asap and visit our website on AXJ at: www.axj.nu